

Fundamental engineering concepts are taught by Washington University-trained professors, preparing students to transfer to a competitive four-year college or university for a bachelor’s degree in an engineering specialty. 重点放在发展上, 建筑, 以及测试机械设备的原型, 工具, 发动机和机器.



  • 建筑及工程经理
  • 起草者
  • 材料工程师
  • 核工程师
  • 自然科学经理
  • 物理学家
  • 石油工程师
  • 销售工程师



不要用这个学位计划代替指导老师. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
第一学期 Details
CHM 103 化学原理1 Details 4
Comprehensive coverage of the basic principles of chemistry including bonding, 命名法, 反应, 化学计量学, 热力学, 动力学与平衡. 专为医学预科设计, pre-pharmacy, engineering and science majors with above-average mathematical and scientific backgrounds. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: P1 902L, CHM 911.
先决条件: MAT 113成绩在两个学期内达到C或以上, 或适当的分班考试成绩, 或部门同意; Students who have taken high school chemistry will have an advantage
101年英格 修辞学与写作1 Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. Placement in 101年英格 presupposes competence in English grammar, 力学, 标点符号, 和拼写. 艾:900英镑.
先决条件: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or 合适的分数线
呸!咄! 101 开辟你的道路 Details 1
针对新生, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students f或者是 college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. 这门课程也能培养学生的能力, 这将帮助他们应对复杂的大学生活.
先决条件: (没有)
垫220 解析几何与微积分1 Details 4
A course designed to introduce the concepts of derivative and integral to the student interested in pursuing degrees related to engineering, 科学或数学. Specific topics include functions and graphs; slopes and rates of change; limit theory and continuous functions; formal differentiation; application of differentiation; integration; and applications of integration. i: m1 900-1, MTH 901.
先决条件: MAT 113 and MAT 114 with grades of "C" or above within one academic year, 合适的分数线, 或部门同意
PHL 111 逻辑/批判性思维 Details 3
本课程涵盖逻辑中的归纳与演绎方法. It is designed to assist students in methods of logical analysis and reasoning. [au:] [qh.
先决条件: (没有)
第二学期 Details
CHM 104 化学原理2 Details 4
Continued comprehensive coverage of the basic principles of chemistry including atomic structure, 共价键, 分子结构, 气体性质, 液体, 固体, 和解决方案, 酸碱化学, 氧化还原反应, 和电化学. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: CHM 912.
先决条件: CHM 103
102年英格 修辞与写作(二) Details 3
A continuation of 101年英格; provides further practice in writing at the college level for a variety of purposes and audiences, 既使用固定形式,也使用开放形式或发展形式. 需要研究论文. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: 完成英语101课程,成绩达C或以上
垫221 解析几何与微积分2 Details 4
A course designed to extend the concepts of derivative and integral to transcendental functions and to introduce advanced methods of integration. Specific topics include derivatives and integrals of transcendental functions; advanced integration methods; infinite series; introduction to differential equations; polar graphs and calculus of polar curves. [au:] m900 -2, MTH 902.
先决条件: 垫220 with a grade of "C" or above within one academic year 或部门同意
227年体育 物理学原理1 Details 5
这是两学期微积分物理课程的第一课, 本课程是为工程和科学专业的学生开设的. 物理学基本原理的全面介绍, including kinematics; Newton’s Laws; work and energy; conservation of linear momentum; angular momentum; rotational dynamics; and harmonic motion. 4 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: PHY 911
先决条件: 垫220; Advanced high school physics recommended
第三学期 Details
CAD 114 参数化建模概论 Details 3
This course is an introduction to engineering design and graphics, 包括设计问题, 草图, 尺寸标注, 公差, 多视图正字法表示, 辅助视图, 部分观点, 使用SolidWorks绘制施工图. 1.5个课时,3个实验课时
先决条件: (没有)
101年生态 宏观经济学原理 Details 3
Introduction to the major areas of modern economic theory and public policy, 包括财政政策, 国际贸易与金融, 经济增长和发展, 以及当代宏观经济问题. [au:] [qh.
先决条件: (没有)
EGR技术203 工程力学:静力学 Details 3
This course teaches basic theory of engineering 力学 using calculus, 包括力的描述, 运动, 以及作用在固定工程结构上的偶对, 二维和三维的平衡, 隔离体图, 摩擦, 重心, 重心, 转动惯量. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: 227年体育
垫222 解析几何与微积分3 Details 4
A course designed to extend previously learned calculus concepts to three-dimensional space. Topics include vectors; vector functions and motion; surfaces, coordinate systems and drawing; derivatives of functions of two or more variables; applications of partial derivatives; multiple integration and integration in vector fields. [au:] m900 -3, MTH 903.
先决条件: 垫221 with a grade of "C" or above within one academic year 或部门同意
228年体育 物理学原理2 Details 5
延续两学期的微积分基础物理课程. 本课程是为工程和科学专业的学生开设的. 物理学基本原理的全面介绍, 包括电力, 负责, 电场和电势, 电阻, 电容和电感, 直流和交流电路, 磁场, 高斯定律, 安培定律, 和麦克斯韦方程, 还有电磁波. 4 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: PHY 912
先决条件: 马太福音221章227节
第四学期 Details
CSC 119 编程我 Details 3
这门课程涉及解决问题的入门水平, 教授结构化和面向对象语言, C++, and exposes students to methodology that serves as a foundation for later course work.
先决条件: CSC 112 with a grade of "C' or above; Intermediate algebra skills recommended
102年生态 微观经济学原理 Details 3
市场结构, 收入分配, 通过市场配置资源, 以及当代的微观经济问题. [au:] 902.
先决条件: (没有)
EGR技术204 工程力学:动力学 Details 3
This course teaches basic theory of engineering 力学 using calculus, 涉及粒子运动的, 刚体, 粒子系统, 牛顿定律, 工作和精力关系, principles of impulse and momentum to the solution of engineering problems. [au:] [qh
先决条件: EGR技术203
EGR技术221 电路分析I Details 4
This course is designed to teach principles of electrical circuits and systems as well as basic circuit elements (电阻, 电感, 互感, 电容, 独立和依赖控制电压, 和当前来源). 其他主题包括电气网络的拓扑结构, 基尔霍夫定律, 节点和网格分析, 直流电路分析, 运算放大器, 瞬态和正弦稳态分析, 交流电路分析, 一阶和二阶电路, 波德图, and use of computer simulation software to solve circuit problems. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: EGR 931L
先决条件: 垫222 and 228年体育; it is recommended, but not required, that students have taken 垫251
垫251 微分方程 Details 3
A course designed to introduce the student to solution methods for ordinary differential equations and their applications. Specific topics include ordinary differential equations of the first order; applications of first order differential equations; linear differential equations; linear differential equations with constant coefficients; applications of second order differential equations; systems of linear differential equations; Laplace transform. 艾:MTH 912.
先决条件: 垫222 with a grade of "C" or above within one academic year 或部门同意